Wywiad z Fernandą i Chunchen

ImageW ostatnim dniu wizyty w nasze szkole Xu Chunchen (Kate) i Fernanda de Sousa Mota zgodziły się odpowiedzieć na kilka pytań dotyczących wizyty oraz wrażeń po wizycie. Naszych gości przepytywali nauczyciele języka angielskiego Iwona Słowikowska oraz Grzegorz Litwiniec, którzy przez cały tydzień opiekowali się również Fernandą i Kate. A oto co usłyszeliśmy:


What is your opinion about your visit in our school?

Chunchen: I really enjoyed a lot during my stay in the school, everybody is so kind, this is one of my best memories. I like presenting. I enjoy the moment that students and I get to understand each other finally and I like teachers as well. Some students are really brilliant. I can see that I arouse their interest of another culture, and the headmaster. I think he is young inside, his heart is young, I appreciate all your kindness and honesty and I think I understand more about the world from this experience.Fernanda de Sousa Mota

Fernanda: I loved to visit the school. People were very friendly wiyh me, and I felt like a queen here. I have never received such good treatment in my life! The students are still a little bit shy, but it is not the reason not to like them! They were very kind with me! Grażyna, Zdzisław, 'Greg' and Iwonka were best persons that I could ever meet here.

What can you say about Polish young people?

Chunchen: I like they are just like Chinese young people, everybody is unique, I like young people, I hope they could be more open-minded and not so shy. And I hope my coming could encourage them to study English.Xu Chunche (Kate)

Fernanda:First, I can give you one piece of advice: English is important! I just came to this project because I speak English and the work on it is the best experience of my life. About Polish young people: You are great! So beautiful with blue eyes and blond hair! But in general, you are sooo kind! I will never forget you!

What is your opinion about the city? Would you like to stay in Poland for ever?

Chunchen:I like Poland, life here is really different from China. I like Radzyń Polaski in fact, life here is far more peaceful than China, as Fernanda puy it, you have the life of quilty. However, I don't think I can stay in Poland for ever, China is my country, I feel that is where my root is and I like going to different places, making friends with people and I believe in the values of every different culture, so I will definitely come back to Poland, and to you all.

Fernanda: Radzyń Podlaski is a very good city, with friendly and open people. Even in Brazil we don't receive guests like you! And I'm sorry, I wouldn't stand only 3 months of sun! But I would take Polish people to Brazil, certainly.

Is there anything that you would like to take with you from Poland to your country?Zajęcia z uczniami (Chunchen)

Chunchen: Polish Bread! Very nice. I think the best part ist that I will take all the memories in Poland and people's kinderness with me. That is the best present.

Fernanda:I would like to take the good treatment that I had here. Teach it to Brazilian people, please. I would take every laugh that I heard, every smile that I saw! I'd take POLISH FOOD, it is sooo tasty! I would take the school – can I?

What is the most tasty Polish dish that you have eaten?

: Polish dumplings. Thank You!

Fernanda: Tort a'la Potocka! Very good! And PIEROGI! Fried pierogi with meat 🙂 I'd take all the Polish tea, too.

What is the most curious thing about Polish cuisine?

Chunchen: Polish food is very different from Chinese food in many ways and I am curious about the wine and the juice.

: The most curious thing about Polish cuisine is that you are so far from Brazil and the taste of food for me is familiar!

When is your next visit?

Chunchen: I can't say about the future, but I surely will come back.

: I hope to come in July 2010. And when are you going to visit me in Brazil???


Xu ChunchenZajęcia z uczniami (Chunchen) 

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